Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Optimized Time Quantum For Dynamic Round Robin Algorithm

RESEARCH PAPER OPTIMIZED TIME QUANTUM FOR DYNAMIC ROUND ROBIN ALGORITHM Akash Kumar,Avinash Chandra Sumit Mohan Department of computer science Engineering Galgotias College of Engg. Tech. Greater Noida ,up, India Email id –avi.chandra423@gmail.com Abstract- Round robin is one of the most optimal cpu scheduling algorithm because it is given an equal amount of static time quantum.But what will be the time quantum is the biggest task. So we have proposed an improved version of round robin algorithm which will use optimal time quantum and time quantum is computed with RMS valuesof burst time. After a result our analysis shows that â€Å"Optimized time quantum for dynamic round robin algorithm†works better than Round Robin algorithm in terms of reducing the number of context switching(CS),turn around time (TAT),waiting time(WT). Keywords: Operating System, Scheduling Algorithm, Round Robin, Context switch, Waiting time, Turnaround time. INTRODUCTION A process is an object of a computer program that is being executed. It includes the current values of the program counter(PC), registers, and variables. The subtle difference between a process and a program is that the program is a bunch of instructions whereas the process is the activity or action. The processes waiting to be assigned to a processor are put in a queue called ready queue(RQ). The time for which a process holds the CPU is known as burst time Or service time.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Descartes Optics Free Essays

Descanter’s theories of light and vision were central components of his natural philosophy, closely linked to his cosmology, physics, theory of matter, and theory of perception. Descartes replaced traditional explanations of natural phenomena with explanations hidden under terms of matter and motion. By eliminating these theories, Descartes needed to formulate new explanations of the qualities of bodies and our perception of them. We will write a custom essay sample on Descartes Optics or any similar topic only for you Order Now In other words Descartes goes on to call into question one’s ability to fully understand the things, which our eyes see. His work on optics focused on these questions. In the discussion, Descartes draws a comparison between a blind man’s abilities to understand the shape and sensations of objects, and our ability to understand an object’s color with our sight. This raises the question of our senses’ ability to interpret the world around us with accuracy. Highlights in the text Inventions, which serve to increase its power, are among the most useful. Color: various ways in which bodies receive light and reflect it in our eyes The differences a blind man notices between trees, rocks etc. Not seem any less to him than the differences between red, yellow etc. Thus: there is no need to suppose that something material passes from objects to our eyes to make us see colors and light, or even that there is something in the objects which resembles the ideas or sensations that we have of them. You must think of rays of light as nothing other than the lines along which this action tends. Thus, there is infinity of such rays, which come from all the points of the luminous body towards all the points of the bodies it illuminates. There are bodies, which break up the light-rays that meet them and take away all their force (black). There are others, which cause rays to be reflected, some in the same order at which they receive them (bodies with highly polished surfaces). Some bodies cause the rays to be reflected without bringing about any other change in their action (white). Others bring about an additional change similar to that which the movement of a ball undergoes when we graze it (red, yellow, blue, etc. ). The soul has sensory awareness because of its presence in the brain, where it exercises the faculty called the ‘ common’ sense. The perfection of an image often depends on its not resembling its object as it might (example: with a little bit of ink you can create a forest) Lemma Optics n. (Used with a sing. Verb) 1 . The branch of physics that deals with light and vision, chiefly the generation, propagation, and detection of electromagnetic radiation having wavelengths greater than x-rays and shorter than microwaves. 2. What something will look like to the outside world; the perception a public relations person would have on something. . The viewing lens of public perception. How the media will play a story. Ad]. N. Comprehensive 1. Marked by or showing extensive understanding: comprehensive knowledge. 2. Having the ability to understand 3. Having or marked by an extensive mental range or grasp: comprehensive understanding. 1 . The act of taking to or upon oneself: assumption of an obligation. 2. The act of taking possession or asserting a claim: assumption of command. 3. The act of taking for granted: assumption of a false theory. 4. Something taken for granted or accepted s true without proof; a supposition: a valid assumption. . Presumption; arrogance. 6. Logic A minor premise. 7. Assumption a. Christianity The taking up of the Virgin Mary into heaven in body and soul after her death. B. A feast celebrating this event. C. August 15, the day on which this feast is observed. Hence DVD. A. For this reason; therefore: handmade and hence expensive. B. From this source: They grew up in the Sudan; hence their interest in Nubian art. 2. From this time; from no w: A year hence it will be forgotten. 3. A. From this place; away from here: Get you hence! . From this life. Brim 1 . The rim or uppermost edge of a hollow container or natural basin. 2. A projecting rim or edge: the brim off hat. 3. A border or an edge. See Synonyms at border. 4. Full capacity: â€Å"No sooner had the fighting started than the hotel filled to the brim with a most extraordinary collection of people† (George Orwell). Per;chive try. V. Perceived, perceives 1 . To become aware of directly through any of the senses, especially sight or hearing. 2. To achieve understanding of; apprehend. See Synonyms at sell . Perceiver n. Coarse ad]. Oars;ere, soars;est. 1 . Of low, common, or inferior quality. 2. A. Lacking in delicacy or refinement: coarse manners. B. Vulgar or indecent: coarse language. 3. Consisting of large particles; not fine in texture: coarse sand. 4. Rough, especially to the touch: a coarse tweed. Coarsely DVD. Coarseness n. Liable ad] (postposition) 1 . (Law) legally obliged or responsible; answerable 2. Susceptible or exposed; subject 3. Probable, likely, or capable it’s liable to happen soon [perhaps via Anglo-French, from Old French lire to bind, from Latin legГre] liableness Usage: Usage. The use of liable to to mean likely to was formerly considered incorrect, but is now acceptable Deflection 1 . The act of deflecting or the condition of being deflected. 2. Deviation or a specified amount of deviation. 3. The deviation of an indicator of a measuring instrument from zero or from its normal position. 4. The movement of a structure or structural part as a result of stress. Deflect intra. try. V. Deflect;deed, deflect;ins, deflects To turn aside or cause to turn aside; bend or deviate. Deflects;blew ad]. Deflective ad]. Deflector n. Refraction 1. The turning or bending of any wave, such as a light or sound wave, when it passes from one medium into another of different optical density. 2. Astronomy The apparent change in position of celestial objects caused by the bending of light rays entering Earth’s atmosphere. 3. Medicine a. The ability of the eye to bend light so that an image is focused on the retina. B. Determination of the refractive characteristics of the eye. Refraction;al, refractive ad]. Refractive;lay DVD. Refractive;nesses, n A;do (-d) Bustle; fuss; trouble; bother. V. try. How to cite Descartes Optics, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Insulation Co-Ordination and Substation Design †Free Samples

Questions: Give Any Earthing Materials? Give The Intoduction To The Layout Of Substation? What Are The Different Layouts For A Substation? What Are The Components Of A Substation? What Are The Substation Transients And Hazards Towards Human Body? Answers: Introduction Kersting, (1984) a sub-station is a set of equipments connected together to reduce the original high voltage to low voltage that will be used by consumers also called a subordinate station. For this to be done effectively the sub-station is made in its own layout. Sub-stations work by stepping up voltage for transmission purposes or stepping down for consumption. If there is a situation where there can be no substation there can be a lot of hazards due to the effect of high voltage. The sub-station is always powered by the main power grid. Give A Deep Defination Of A Sub-Station Layout Yoshida, et al (1986) the first part in designing a sub-station is developing the bonding earthing System. The work of the bonding earthing system is to provide an earth connection to which the neutrals of the transformer are connected in order to deliver excess fault current to avoid mechanical worn out and also minimum thermal destructions. This damage is seen mostly on the facilities within the substation. This design helps in providing safety to all operations and also personnel. The earthing and bonding system helps in creating eqipotential bonding so that there can be no dangerous potential gradients in the substation. All through the substation design, there are the three voltages. These are: Touch voltage: The potential difference between the surface potential and the earthed equipment potential when a person is touching the earth surface. Mesh voltage: The over average touch voltage that is always developed in the mesh of the earthing grid. Step voltage: It is defined as the potential difference in a situation where a man gaps a distance of one meter while not in touch with any earthed equipment. In earthing we have the earthing calculation methodology. They mostly consider site measurements of the level of sensitivity of the ground and the fault levels of the system. Then the layout of the grid with specific conductors is scientifically studied to see the earthing resistance of the substation and the voltage of the earthing is calculated from there. There are some probe tests that are taken to measure the earth resistivity. These tests are taken during the dry weather period so that the resistivity readings are obtained. Fellin, Kusstatscher, and Rostagni, (1995) clearly explains several earthing materials that are very efficient in such a station. Conductors: Bare copper is the one that is usually used in the substation earthing grid. To add to the buried earth grid, a different and separate earthing ring is usually provided that is always above the ground to which all metallic substation plant are joined in this area, Connections: They should not be joined together because the heat generated during fault conditions could cause the joints to fail functioning. The joints are fixed using bolts and they are also tinned. Earthing Rods: The rods are used to supplement the grid to assist in the disposal of earth fault currents hence reducing the substation earthing resistance. The rods are made up of copper clad steel or solid copper. Switchyard Fence Earthing: They are used for different utilities. These are: The substation earthing grid is extended further over the fence circumfrence and then connected to the grid at regular intervals. The fence is placed beyond the perimeter of the switchyard earthing grid and the fence and its earthing rod system are bonded. This rod system isnt joined to the big substation earthing grid. Dutta, and Overbye, (2011) argues that it is very important because there should be a security concerning the supply. In a well equipped substation all the circuits would be produced as many copies so that in case of a fault, connections remains available. The cost of implementation of the design is high hence there is a method to compromise between security and cost. Substations are divided into two categories according to securities of the supply. Category 1: No failure is necessary within the substations for maintaining or fault conditions. Category 2: Short failure is needed to transfer the load to an another circuit for fault conditions or maintenance. Category 3: Loss of a section of the substation resulted by fault condition or maintenance. Category 4: Loss of the whole substation because of fault condition or maintenance. Sumic, and Pistorese, (1994) and Ochoa, and Hirt, (1998) considers the following layouts for a substation; Single Busbar: Each socket is protected by its own circuit breaker and due to this there may be no loss in its supply. A fault on the transformer circuit breaker causes loss of the transformer and can be amended after isolating the faulty circuit breaker. Maintenance of a feeder circuit breaker is due to loss of the circuit. A busbar fault causes loss of one feeder and one transformer. These are some of its characteristics. Mesh Substation: Its characteristics are: Two different circuit breakers are required to disconnect or connect a circuit while the disconnection process is the opening of the mesh. These circuit breakers can be maintained without supply loss or protection while in the same case there is no bypass facility needed. Busbar faults cause just one circuit breaker loss while breaker faults causes loss of two circuits at maximum. One and a half Circuit Breaker layout: It is known as the 1 1/2 circuit breaker because of the fact that in its design, there are nine circuit breakers that are used for the protection of the six feeders. Some of the characteristics are: Very high security against supply loss. Can control any one pair of circuits or in groups. It has complex arrangements and there are additional costs of the circuit breakers.Circuit breaker: There are two forms which are: Dead tank: circuit breaker is located at earthly potential. Live tank: its circuit breaker is located at its line potential. Insulation These can be done by increasing creep age length, insulation greasing among others. Power Transformers It is the largest item which is single in a substation. Precautions are highly taken due to large quantity of oil that can lead to fire. There are auto transformers that are smaller and have reduced loss. Overhead line termination There are two methods namely Tensioning conductors to substation structures. Tensioning conductors to ground winches. The choice is determined considering the height of towers and also substation proximity. Dutta, and Overbye, (2012) explains that a transient event is the instantaneous change in the state leading to a burst of energy for a short period of time. Transients are further divided into impulsive and oscillatory transients. In consideration of their response, impulsive would elevate in a period of 0.1ms and hold till 1ms. Oscillatory could have a frequency surge up to 5 KHz. The hazards of these substations are very dangerous to human body. Lumbreras, and Ramos, (2013) the electric magnetic field which has a phase of 90 deg and oscillating at angle of 180 degrees traverses the air and starts revolving inside the human body causing human cells to heat up. These will damage the body tissues. These magnetic fields also results to an electric current in human tissues and cells and because the skin is in contact it can be remorsefully damage. Those people living within 300 meters of a substation have an increased rate of getting some type of cancer. To wind up, Adams, and Laughton, (1974) suggests that the best design of a substation is one that has minimum loss of supply and still its maintenance cost is not high although its hard to find one. In its design all process must be followed and properly structured. The cost of expenditure is very high taking to consideration the number of equipment used to set up this station and also their individual value. These substations should be located in their own strategic positions away from human residences. The reason for this is to provide safety to human body which is mostly affected by the electric magnetic field created. References Adams, R. N., Laughton, M. A. (1974, February). Optimal planning of power networks using mixed-integer programming. part 1: Static and time-phased network synthesis. InProceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers(Vol. 121, No. 2, pp. 139-147). IET. Dutta, S., Overbye, T. J. (2011, February). A clustering based wind farm collector system cable layout design. InPower and Energy Conference at Illinois (PECI), 2011 IEEE(pp. 1-6). IEEE. Dutta, S., Overbye, T. J. (2012). Optimal wind farm collector system topology design considering total trenching length.IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy,3(3), 339-348. Fellin, L., Kusstatscher, P., Rostagni, G. (1995). Overall plant design, layout and commissioning.Fusion engineering and design,25(4), 315-333. Kersting, W. H. (1984). A method to teach the design and operation of a distribution system.IEEE Transactions on Power apparatus and Systems, (7), 1945-1952. Lumbreras, S., Ramos, A. (2013). Optimal design of the electrical layout of an offshore wind farm applying decomposition strategies.IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,28(2), 1434-1441. Ochoa, J. R., Hirt, R. L. (1998).U.S. Patent No. 5,798,939. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Sumic, Z., Pistorese, T. A. (1994).U.S. Patent No. 5,329,464. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Yoshida, K., Kobayashi, Y., Ueda, Y., Tanaka, H., Muto, S., Yoshizawa, J. (1986, November). Knowledge-based layout design system for industrial plants. InProceedings of 1986 ACM Fall joint computer conference(pp. 216-222). IEEE Computer Society Press.